Baby Girl Names Meaning Warrior

Give your baby girl the gift of strength, perseverance, and beautifully fierce independence with one of our strong girl names.

90 Strong Baby Girl Names & Their Meanings

Whether your determined baby-to-be is making herself known by kicking up a storm, or you're holding your beautiful warrior princess in your arms, she needs a name to match her fighting spirit.

We've collected all the best strong female names and powerful girl names from around the world, so you're sure to find the perfect name for your little independent woman!

So if you're on the hunt for girl names that mean warrior, tough girl names, and strong unique girl names, you're in the right place.

In this article 📝

  • Top 42 strong girl names for babies
  • What girl name means strength?
  • What name means beautiful and strong?
  • What are some fierce girl names?

Top 42 strong girl names for babies

To whet your appetite for strong female names for your little peanut, here are a few of our favorite strong baby girl names:

  1. Aila: (ay-luh or eye-luh) A beautiful, strong girl's name meaning 'from the strong place' in Gaelic, as well as 'light bringer' in Finland.
  2. Akeeva or Akiva: A delicate but powerful name meaning 'protect' and 'shelter' in Hebrew.
  3. Alessia, Alexandria, Alessandra, or Alexandra: The feminine version of Alexander, meaning 'protector' or 'defender of men'. There are lots of sweet nicknames for this name, too: Lexi, Alex, Ali, Dria, Xandra, Sandra, Sandy, Lessy… the list goes on!
  4. Amira or Ameera: A lilting Arabic girl's name meaning 'commander' or 'princess'. Perfect for your warrior princess!
  5. Artemis: A strong gender-neutral name steeped in Greek mythology. Artemis was the ancient Greek goddess of the hunt and the moon. This badass girl's name also means 'butcher' ‒ don't cross this fierce little peanut!
  6. Athena: Another strong girl's name after a Grecian goddess, Athena was the revered goddess of war and wisdom. Definitely a feisty girl's name!
  7. Briana or Brianna: Close to the strong boys' name, Brian, Briana means 'high', 'noble', and 'honorable' in Old English.
  8. Bridget, Brigid or Brighid: (brid-jit or breed) A popular Irish girl's name meaning 'power', 'vigor', or 'exalted one'. Brighid was also the Celtic goddess of wisdom, poetry, and fire.
  9. Bryndis: A Scandinavian baby name meaning 'adorned in strong armor' or 'armored goddess'.
  10. Colette: Perfect for families with a rich French history, this Old French name means 'people of victory', to praise your ancestors.
  11. Diana: A popular strong girl's name that jumped up the charts in the late '80s, thanks to Princess Diana ‒ the People's Princess. Diana was similar to Artemis, another goddess of the hunt and the moon, as well as childbirth.
  12. Elaheh: (elah-hey) A musical-sounding Muslim girl's name meaning 'like a goddess' in Parsi.
  13. Fallon: For the baby girl who you know will take charge, Fallon is an Irish name meaning 'leader' or 'descended from a ruler'.
  14. Gabriella: An Italian girl's name similar to the strong boys' name, Gabriel, meaning 'God is my strength'. One of the most popular baby girl names meaning strong.
  15. Hera: You know this baby girl will rule over everyone! Hera is a beautiful short, strong girl's name meaning 'queen' in Greek. Hera was also the wife of the ancient Greek god, Zeus, and was referred to as the queen of heaven and goddess of marriages.
  16. Ina: Another royal name for your little princess! Ina is a short-but-sweet strong girl's name meaning 'queen' or 'royalty' in several languages and cultures.
  17. Jasira: A poetic Arabic and Muslim girl's name that's popular in Africa, meaning 'bold' or 'courageous'. Can be shortened to Jas for a sweet nickname.
  18. Kainda: (kye-in-da) A powerful girl's name that's popular in Kenya, meaning 'hunter's daughter'. For a little peanut who'll follow in her parent's footsteps!
  19. Kana: Kana is a beautiful but short strong girl's name with two meanings. In Hawai'ian culture, Kana is a Maui demigod who connected two islands. In Japanese, Kana means 'powerful'.
  20. Kendra: A powerful girl's name that's not nearly as popular as it should be! A beautiful Welsh girl's name meaning 'wise ruler' or 'enthusiastic power'. The preffix 'ken' also has roots in Irish Gaelic, meaning 'fire'. Perfect for a red-haired baby girl!
  21. Leola or Leona: An Italian and Latin girl's name meaning 'loyal as a lion'. Perfect for the baby girl born with a wild mane of hair!
  22. Maajida: (mah-zhee-dah) A magical and unique Islamic girl's name meaning 'powerful'. A sweet nickname would be Jida.
  23. Meredith: Did you know that Meredith was originally a popular boys' name in Wales? Us neither! Now mainly used as a beautiful Welsh girl's name, Meredith means 'great ruler' or 'protector of the sea'.
  24. Moxie: That girl's got a lot of moxie! This attention-grabbing American girl's name means 'strength of character' or 'rebellious' ‒ go change the world, little peanut!
  25. Myla: A sweet-sounding, but strong girl's name meaning 'soldier' in Latin, from the boys' name Miles.
  26. Neilina: A feminine version of the Gaelic Scottish name Neil, meaning 'champion', for the baby girl you know will achieve great things.
  27. Nyathera: (nye-ah-theer-a) Perfect for the baby girl who hasn't had the easiest journey to get into your arms, Nyathera means 'she survived' in Kenya. Easily our favorite girl's name meaning 'survivor' on this list. Nya makes for a lovely nickname.
  28. Oma: (oh-mah or o-mah) A dainty but powerful girl's name meaning 'leader' and 'thriving' in Arabic. Also a popular name for 'grandmother' around the world ‒ a beautiful way to honor your little peanut's heritage.
  29. Philomena: (fill-oh-mee-nah) A longer strong girl's name, from the Greek 'lover of strength'. A sweet nickname would be Mena, or even Phil, if you want to go down a more gender-neutral route.
  30. Qadira: (kah-deer-ah) A unique Arabic girl's name meaning 'powerful' or 'capable'.
  31. Ragnilda: (rang-yil-dah) More popular in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, Ragnilda means 'all-knowing power'.
  32. Reika: (rye-kah) One of the most badass girl's names we've ever heard, Reika is a German name meaning 'power of the wolf' or 'power of the home'.
  33. Rhiannon: (ree-ann-on) One of our favorite names meaning queen, this musical-sounding Welsh girl's name meaning 'great queen' or 'goddess', was also the Welsh goddess of horses ‒ perfect for a baby coming from a family on a ranch.
  34. Ronnae, Ronalda, Ronika, Ronisha, or Ronnelle: An English girl's name with lots of variations in other languages (take your pick!) meaning 'strong counsel'. Also comes from the Greek name Veronica, meaning 'bringer of victory'.
  35. Saida, Saeeda, or Sayida: (sigh-ee-dah) The female version of the Arabic name Saʽid (or Sayid), meaning 'happy'. Also means 'huntress' or 'fortunate one'.
  36. Sigrid: (sig-reed or sig-rid) A powerful girl's name in Scandinavian culture, meaning 'beautiful victory' or 'beautiful wisdom'.
  37. Tiaret: (tee-ah-reht) A unique Algerian girl's name meaning 'lioness', for the baby girl who comes into the world with a roar!
  38. Velda: A German-American girl's name meaning 'ruler' or 'power', for the baby who you know will rise to greatness!
  39. Victoria: A popular powerful baby girl's name that comes from the Latin word for 'victory'. One of the most common strong female names around today. Also a name that inspires royalty: think Queen Victoria 👑
  40. Wilma: While this name makes us first think of the matriarch of The Flintstones, this German name actually means 'helmet of will' or 'protection'.
  41. Zaila: (zah-ee-lah or zay-lah) A melodic Arabic name meaning 'might' or 'power'.
  42. Zenevieva: (zeh-neh-vee-vah) A Slavic name similar to the German-Celtic name Genevieve, meaning 'woman of the people'. A future activist, perhaps?

What girl name means strength?

Naturally, you want your little peanut to be able to overcome any adversity they face in life, and rise up to become the best versions of themselves.

So what better way to get your baby-to-be ready for the world than with one of our powerful girl names that mean strong from around the gloe=be?

  1. Adira or Edira: (ah-deer-ah or eh-deer-ah) A sweet Hebrew girl's name meaning 'strong' or 'mighty'.
  2. Andrea: The female version of the boys' name Andrew, Andrea is a popular girl's name meaning 'strong'.
  3. Arnia: (ar-nee-ah) An English-American girl's name meaning 'strong as an eagle'. So your baby girl can soar!
  4. Atonia: (uh-tone-ee-ah) If you're after a strong girl's name rooted in nature (see what we did there?), Atonia is what you're after. Meaning 'strong as an oak tree' in Hebrew, Atonia can also be shortened to the cute nickname, Toni.
  5. Audelia, Audra or Audrey: A traditionally English girl's name with lots of different versions from around the world, Audelia means 'noble strength'. Opt for the classical Audrey if you want something with a more vintage feel.
  6. Bernadette: A beautifully bold German girl's name meaning 'strong as a bear', for mama bear's little cub! Plus, Bernie is a very cute nickname for a girl.
  7. Bidu: From the Celtic word 'brígh', meaning 'fire', 'power', 'strength' and 'goddess', Bidu also means 'calm' and 'earth' in Sanskrit ‒ a perfectly balanced strong baby girl's name for your baby-to-be.
  8. Bree: Another Irish name from the Celtic word 'brígh', Bree means 'strength' or 'exalted one' ‒ a breezy name for a happy baby.
  9. Chasina: (chah-seen-ah) A feminized version of the Aramaic name Chasin, meaning 'strong' or 'mighty'. Can be shortened to the gender-neutral name Chase.
  10. Ebba: A unique German girl's name meaning 'strength of an animal', for the baby that's born into a family with lots of pets!
  11. Erryn: A gender-neutral American name meaning 'strong' or 'exalted one' ‒ not to be confused with the Celtic name Erin, which means Ireland.
  12. Fortney or Fortnea: One of our top strong unique girl names, Fortney comes from the Latin word for 'strong' ‒ think 'fortitude'. Certainly a force of nature!
  13. Gertrude: A powerful girl's name with meaning in English, Dutch, French, and German, meaning 'spear of strength'. We haven't seen the name Gertrude recently, but we think it's due a resurgence! Can be shortened to the sweet nicknames Gertie or Trudy.
  14. Honovi: Another beautiful natural girl's name, Honovi is Hopi Native American for 'strong as a deer'.
  15. Imara: A fierce Swahili girl's name meaning 'strong' and 'strong-willed'. For the baby girl who can be stubborn at times!
  16. Imiza: (ihm-ee-zah) An ethereal-sounding name, Imiza means 'universal strength', so your baby-to-be knows they're never alone.
  17. Jaiyana: (jah-yan-ah) An elegant girl's name meaning 'strength' in Arabic and Urdu. Can be shortened to Jay or Ana.
  18. Karleen: This is the name of an independent woman! Karleen is an Old German girl's name meaning 'strength of a woman'. I am woman, hear me roar!
  19. Kemena or Kemina: An upbeat Spanish girl's name meaning 'strong'. Cute nicknames would be Mina or Kemmy.
  20. Keren: Not to be confused with the popular name Karen, which means 'pure', Keren is a Hebrew girl's name meaning 'power' or 'strength'.
  21. Lenna: Another fierce name for your baby girl, this Old German name means 'strength of a lion'.
  22. Matilda or Mathilde: How adorable was Mara Wilson in the 1996 film Matilda? Not only will your baby draw some serious inspiration from this strong female character, the name Matilda also means 'strong battle maiden' and 'mighty in battle' in Old German.
  23. Matina: The name Matina has several interpretations: in Greek, it means 'strong' and 'solid'; in Persian, it means 'red rose'; and in Italian, it means 'morning'. Perfect for a baby girl with red hair born in the morning!
  24. Mildred: An Old English name meaning 'gentle strength', Mildred was a very popular name in the early 1900s, but has since dipped in popularity. Millie makes a sweet nickname.
  25. Nalda: A beautiful and bright Spanish girl's name meaning 'strong'.
  26. Valentina: Like the strong boys' name, Valentine, Valentina means 'strong' and 'powerful' in Latin. Can be shortened to Val or Tina.
  27. Wyetta: A sweet-sounding name with a fierce meaning: Wyetta means 'war strength' in Old English.

What name means beautiful and strong?

Girl's names meaning both 'beautiful' and 'strong' evoke a sense of quiet, confident power ‒ perfect for your baby girl as she grows up.

Here's our favorite girl's name meaning 'strong' and 'beautiful':

  1. Avyanna or Avianna: An American name from old Sanskrit words meaning 'strong, powerful woman'. Beautiful nicknames include Avie and Anna. The ultimate feminist name for your baby girl!

What are some fierce girl names?

A fierce girl's name can help your little peanut to grow up without taking any 💩 from anyone.

Take your pick from our rare badass girl names and find the one that suits your fierce warrior best.

Give your baby girl the gift of the wild and a few healthy helpings of confidence with our top fierce girl names:

  1. Annemarie: Sure, at first glance, Annemarie might not look like a fierce girl's name, but did you know that part of it can be traced to the Hebrew word for 'rebellious woman'? Pretty badass, in our opinion.
  2. Aoife: (ee-fuh) The meaning behind Aoife might be sweet ‒ 'beauty' ‒ but Aoife was also a legendary warrior princess in Irish mythology. A beautiful girl name meaning warrior.
  3. Bali: One of our favorite girl names that mean warrior, Bali is an Indian name meaning 'mighty warrior' in ancient Sanskrit.
  4. Bellatrix: Bellatrix might be one of the baddies in Harry Potter, but she has a pretty fierce name. Bellatrix is a Latin name meaning 'female warrior', and also one of the stars of Orion ‒ both a fierce and a celestial girl's name!
  5. Bellona: For the feisty baby girl, Bellona comes from the Latin word 'bellare' meaning 'to fight', and was the name of the Roman goddess of war.
  6. Brenda or Brenna: Perfect for the baby girl who you think will win any fight with their sharp wit, Brenda is a Norse name meaning 'sword'.
  7. Cassandra: A great name for a baby girl born into a large family of boys, Cassandra will help her stand out! Cassandra is a Greek name meaning 'she who shines and excels over men'. Can be shortened to Cassie, Cas, Casey, Andy, or Andra.
  8. Fianna: A musical Irish girl name meaning 'warrior' or 'she who fights for freedom'. We think Fee would be a sweet nickname for this baby girl.
  9. Hilde, Hildegaard, Hildegarde, or Hildegard: One of the more traditional strong baby girl names meaning 'battle woman' or 'battle ready' in Old German.
  10. Isa or Isana: A beautiful, short German girl's name meaning 'strong-willed'. Isa can also be added to a few other strong girl's names to add that extra sprinkling of fierceness ‒ think Isobel or Isolde.
  11. Kinley: A gender-neutral Gaelic name meaning 'warrior' or 'daughter of the white warrior'.
  12. Louisa: A popular English, French, and German girl's name meaning 'warrior' or 'famous warrior', Louisa also puts us in mind of the author of the fabulous novel, Little Women, Louisa May Alcott.
  13. Marcella or Marcelline: The female version of the boys' name, Marc, Marcella is a Latin girl's name meaning 'strong' and 'warlike'. Marcie makes for a cute nickname, too!
  14. Maude: An Old German girl's name meaning 'powerful battler' or 'fierce warrior'. An alternative spelling would be the Welsh name Mawd.
  15. Minka: Hear us out: this name might sound adorable, but it's actually a Polish girl's name meaning 'strong-willed warrior'. Still pretty cute, though.
  16. Nikita: A Greek name meaning 'she who is unconquered', so your baby never loses a battle of wits!
  17. Sasha or Sascha: A name for both boys and girls meaning 'defending warrior', with roots in Russian, Ukrainian, English, and French.
  18. Shamra: A beautiful Arabic girl's name meaning 'battle-ready'.
  19. Tyra: (tie-rah or tih-rah) There's a reason why Tyra Banks is a force to be reckoned with! Tyra is a Scandinavian name meaning 'thunder warrior' or 'Thor's warrior'. For the baby with a thunderous roar!
  20. Valda: An elegant German girl's name meaning 'powerful ruler' and 'battle heroine or warrior'.

Having a strong baby girl name can help your little peanut find their inner strength and remind them of how powerful they truly are!

Of course, any name can give your baby girl strength, but you'll know when you find the right one. 😉

Don't forget to share your favorite warrior names, badass names, and strong baby girl names with our community on Peanut!

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161 Cool Baby Girl Names And Their Meanings
The 1000 Most Popular Baby Girl Names
250 One Syllable Girl Names
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21 Girl Names That Start With A
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Baby Girl Names Meaning Warrior


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