What Is the Cost of a 1.5 Carat Diamond

1.5 Carat Diamond

Congratulations on your impending nuptials! You are probably planning on getting an exquisite engagement ring for your partner. You have also likely established the appropriate diamond color for them. Moreover, you have determined the right cut and clarity that you desire. But for some reason, you cannot wrap your head around the right carat weight to buy. You weigh the various options available and then decide to settle on 1.5 carats.

If you are a savvy jewelry shopper, your decision to settle on 1.5 carats and not, say, 1.4 or 1.6 carats, is possibly inspired by a profound understanding of diamonds. However, some buyers opt for 1.5-carat diamonds purely on cost considerations because they find the price of a 2.0 carat a bit expensive. Therefore, to secure the best bargain, they settle on 1.5 carats, thinking the cost would be much lower. Well, it does not always work out that way in the jewelry industry. In this post, we shall explore a 1.5-carat diamond so that you can examine whether it is an excellent fit for you.

James Allen

Why A 1.5-Carat Diamond?

1.5 lies midway between 1 and 2. When shopping for diamonds, customers that prefer the invincibility of the stone would go for 1.0 carats. On the other hand, those who love the glamour and sparkle that diamonds bring out are likely to settle for 2 carats. The price also plays a significant role here. A 1.5-carat diamond is expected to be considerably cheaper than a 2-carat diamond, obviously subject to all the other factors remaining constant.

From the illustration above, it is evident that 1.5-carat diamonds enable you to enjoy the best of both worlds. You end up with a stone small enough to retain its chic appearance and big enough to be eye-catching. If you are fortunate, you may come across a 1.5-carat diamond priced half as much as a 2-carat diamond, even if the stones are similar in all other aspects. Many diamond shoppers, especially women, generally believe that 1.5-carat is the ideal diamond weight.

However, you probably already know that each customer has their unique tastes and preferences when buying diamonds. Therefore, before you go shopping for a 1.5-carat diamond, you must already have determined its suitability for your needs. Another thing to remember is that as a jewelry shopper, the cost consideration should always come last.

First, you would need to settle on your preferred color, cut, and clarity, which we believe you have already taken care of at this point. As such, your only remaining concern is choosing the ideal carat weight.

Forget the popularity that accompanies the 1.5-carat diamonds. As a diamond shopper, the first thing that you should establish is whether you are comfortable with the size. And as you know, size can be quite relative—what works for you might not work for the lady next door.


How Big Is A 1.5 Carat Diamond?

A 1.5-carat diamond has a diameter of 7.4 mm. This is 1.0 mm larger than the diameter of a 1-carat diamond and 0.6 mm smaller than that of a 2-carat diamond. Besides, 1.5-carat diamonds feature a face-up surface area of 43mm 2, which is roughly 18% smaller than that of 2-carat diamonds. Thus, everything considered, a 1.5-carat diamond is outstanding. It can stand out better depending on the wearer's hand and the ring on which it is set. The smaller the hand or ring, the more prominent the diamond will look.

But as you may expect, the size of a 1.5-carat diamond depends on a few other factors. Generally, the size comes down to the balance of the Four Cs. It is not unusual to come across a 1-carat diamond that looks larger than a 1.5-carat stone, nor is it surprising to find a 2-carat diamond looking significantly smaller than a 1.5-carat diamond.

A diamond cut is the most critical element of the Four Cs that influences the size of a 1.5-carat diamond. In this regard, Asscher and round cuts tend to look smaller. On the other hand, marquise, oval, emerald, and pear cuts give a much better illusion of size.

The following table illustrates the surface areas of 1.5-carat diamonds across popular cuts.

6.4 x 6.4
Heart 7.5 x 7.5
7.4 x 7.4
6.3 x 6.3
7.2 x 5.8
10.4 x 6.2
7.6 x 5.7
9.3 x 6.2
11.9 x 6
6.7 x 6.7

Apart from the diamond cut, color is another critical consideration when shopping for a 1.5-carat diamond. Again, diamonds handle color differently depending on their cut and clarity score; larger diamonds tend to reveal more tint. That means that if other factors are kept constant, a 1.5-carat diamond is likely to give more sparkle than a 1-carat diamond. The fire and brilliance of a 1.5-carat stone will also depend on the color of the ring on which it is set. For instance, yellow and white rings tend to enhance the color of a diamond.

Pear, Marquise, and Oval shapes feature elongated corners. Therefore, they trap more light and color. If you were to select from among these three based on the light-handling properties, your best bet would be to go for anything above H in the diamond color scale. On the other hand, Round, Cushion, and Princess Cuts have shorter ends. As such, they reflect minimal light and color. When choosing a 1.5-carat diamond from any of these categories, experts generally recommend going for the color of H, and a clarity of VS2.

The Asscher and Emerald cuts are probably the most sensitive shapes when it comes to color-handling properties. As these shapes feature large windows that stretch into the depth of the diamond, they will reveal even the slightest color hues and imperfections. While shopping for a 1.5-carat diamond from between these cuts, you can consider color H and a clarity of VS1.

Another significant element that will impact the size of your 1.5-carat diamond is its clarity. Clarity depends on what the shopper finds eye-clean. Flaws and inclusions affect a diamond's ability to absorb and reflect light. Therefore, a flawed 1.5-carat diamond will look smaller than it should. Therefore, you must always go for transparent, eye-clean diamonds.

Lastly, if you wish to enhance the size of your 1.5-carat diamond, find a decent setting for it. The halo setting is one of the top recommendations here. It features small diamonds surrounding the center stone. Anyone looking from afar would think that it is one large stone. You might also consider using pave rings with slightly tapered shanks.

Some common mounting styles to avoid include the bezel and the 3-stone design. Such settings are designed to bring out the shape of the stone, not necessarily its brilliance.

How Much Does a 1.5-Carat Diamond Cost?

It can range anywhere from $5,000 to $35,000. This is quite a long shot as the price of a 1.5-carat diamond depends on a couple of factors. Diamonds in fancy colors, such as red, will naturally cost more. So, if you are looking for colored diamonds, avoid fancy colors when strapped for cash. It is a tough balancing act because fancy colors have impressive light-handling properties and create a better illusion of size. Therefore, while it is the most expensive of all colored diamonds, choosing red might save you the agony of going for more carat weight.

As for the color, you might also consider going for transparent diamonds. Colorless diamonds are as nearly expensive as red diamonds because of their minimal flaws. But since they reflect maximum color, they will help accentuate the size of your 1.5-carat diamond. For the best bargains, always consider shopping online from reputable dealers.

The question regarding the suitability of a 1.5-carat diamond is not one you can settle in at once. You must carefully review how your decision affects the other elements—cut, color, and clarity. If you are like most people, you will desire a diamond that stands out from your ring. Therefore, you must insist on fancy colors and cuts that feature elongated angles.

What Is the Cost of a 1.5 Carat Diamond

Source: https://www.petragems.com/1.5-carat-diamond/

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