Wireless Communications and Networks William Stallings Pdf Download

Technical Resource and Course Web Site for

Wireless Communications and Networks

by William Stallings

Last Updated: Friday, February 9, 2007

This site is intended to provide support for instructors and students using the book. For more information about the book, see the Prentice Hall Page.

Useful Web Sites

A chapter-by-chapter list of related web sites. This includes all active sites listed in the book, plus other useful sites. Suggestions welcome.

Course Support Materials

Student Resource Site: Help and advice for the long-suffering, overworked student.
Errata sheet: Latest list of errors, updated at most monthly.File name is Errata-Wireless-mmyy. This will be posted as soon as any errata are found. If you spot any errors, please report them .
PDF Viewgraphs: On-line transparency masters of all figures from the book in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format, compressed using ZIP. See several of the web sites listed below for additional slides and lecture notes.
Tables: On-line transparency masters of all tables from the book in PDF format.
PowerPoint Slides: Developed by Tom Fronckowiak.

NOTICE: No password is required for any downloads. Downloading sometimes fails, either because your browser mistakenly assumes a password is needed or for other reasons. If so, try using another browser or an FTP package. If that doesn't work, there might be a problem at your end or at your ISP, perhaps a firewall issue. Then you would need to talk to a system manager on your end.

Wireless Courses

Instructors might find these web sites for courses taught using this book useful. I would appreciate hearing about web sites for other courses.
ECE 4813A Wireless and Mobile Networking. Georgia Institute of Technology. Includes some detailed course slides.
CMPU-395 Wireless Networks. Vassar. Includes 802.11 implementation project.
CSE 591 Wireless Networks.Arizona State U. Includes project ideas, some interesting links.
EE 418/518 Wireless Communications. U. of Alabama. Includes some interesting links.
COSC 681 Wireless Networks. Eastern Michigan U.
ETC019 Wireless Networks. Blekinge Institute of Technology.

Suggestions, Please

If you have any suggestions for site content, please contact me at . In particular, please pass along links to relevant web sites and links to course pages used by instructors teaching from this book.

Home Page of Bill Stallings

Useful Web Sites

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Vendors: Links to thousands of hardware and software vendors who currently have WWW sites, as well as a list of thousands of computer and networking companies in a Phone Directory.
Wireless Developer Network: News, tutorials, and discussions on wireless topics
Wireless.com: News, information and technology resources for wireless technologies.
Office of Spectrum Managment: responsible for managing the Federal Government's use of the radio frequency spectrum." There are many informative features on this Web site, including documents, links, and a frequency allocation chart.

Chapter 2 - Transmission Fundamentals

Fourier Series Synthesis: An excellent visualization tool for Fourier series.
Johns Hopkins Signals Demonstrations: Another source of visualization tools.
Math and Physics Applets: Yet another source of visualization tools.

Chapter 3 - Communication Networks

ATM Hot Links: Excellent collection of white papers and links
ATM Forum: Leading the effort to expand the functionality of ATM networks.
Cell Relay Retreat: Contains archives of the cell-relay mailing list, links to numerous ATM-related documents, and links to many ATM-related web sites.

Chapter 4 - Protocols and the TCP/IP Suite

Networking Links: Excellent collection of links related to TCP/IP.
OSI History: A brief history of the origins of the OSI model.

Chapter 5 - Antennas and Propagation

About Antennas: Good source of information and links.
U.S. Frequency Allocation Chart: Chart plus background paper

Chapter 7 - Spread Spectrum

Spread Spectrum Scene: Excellent source of information, including technical papers, links, and an online magazine.

Chapter 9 - Satellite Communications

Lloyd Wood's Satellite Web Page: Good source of information about commercial satellite technology
Satellite Industry Association: U.S.-based trade association.

Chapter 10 - Cellular Wireless Communications

GSM World: Information about GSM technology and services.
CDMA Development Group: A consortium of wireless companies active in CDMA wireless systems around the world.
Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association: Another industry consortium.
3G Americas: A trade group of Western Hemisphere companies supporting TDMA, GSM, GPRS, EDGE, and UMTS. Includes industry news, white papers, and other technical information.
3G Today: Contains a variety of information on 3G systems and providers.

Chapter 11 - Cordless Systems and Wireless Local Loop

Wireless Communications Association International: Represents the fixed broadband wireless access industry worldwide. Good set of links..
IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Fixed Broadband Wireless Standards: Contains working group documents plus discussion archives.
WiMax Forum: An industry group promoting the interoperabiltiy of 802.16 products with each other.
NIST Radio Frequency Technology Division: The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Good source of informatoin on fixed wireless access and other topics.
OFDM Forum: Industry consortium to promote OFDM.

Chapter 12 - Mobile IP and WAP

IP Routing for Wireless/Mobile Hosts: IETF Working Group on Mobile IP. Contains current RFCs and Internet drafts..
Open Mobile Alliance: Consolidation of the WAP Forum and the Open Mobile Architecture Initiative. Provides WAP technical specifications and industry links.

Chapter 13 - Wireless LAN Technology

Wireless LAN Association: Gives an introduction to the technology, including a discussion of implementation considerations, and case studies from users. Links to related sites.

Chapter 14 - IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Standard

IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Working Group: Contains working group documents plus discussion archives
Wi-Fi Alliance: An industry group promoting the interoperabiltiy of 802.11 products with each other.

Chapter 15 - Bluetooth

Bluetooth SIG: Contains all the standards, numerous other documents, and news and information on Bluetooth companies and products.
Infotooth: An excellent supplementary source of information on Bluetooth.
IEEE 802.15 Working Group on Personal Area Networks: Covers Bluetooth and related networks.

Wireless Communications and Networks William Stallings Pdf Download

Source: http://williamstallings.com/Wireless1e.html

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